Get to know the folks that make the signs you love. We’ll answer just about anything you ask—as long as we can make jokes along the way.
We recently had the pleasure of working with Reddit to create one-of-a-kind signage for their different locations. The Reddit AMA, “Ask Me Anything” posts are a hit here, so we decided to find out what questions YOU have for us.
And wow, did you deliver! We were thrilled (and only slightly overwhelmed) at all your feedback. We realized it was impossible to answer all your questions in just one video, so welcome to the Ask Us Anything video series.
Please join us for Episode 1: Dumb Injuries, Romantic Tension, and Toilet Paper.
1. What’s the first thing you remember building on your own?
—Mateja E.
- Jonathan: Yeah, so, my grandfather used to make model airplanes out of scrap material, like chair legs and things he would find around the house. One of my first memories is making one of those model airplanes with him.He taught my sisters and I how to make them, and it was pretty fun. Years later, after he passed away, I made a replica of one of those models. It was about this big [motions with hands]. I still have it today.
- Mike: Probably when I was 8 or 9 years old, I bolted a couple bicycles together to create a tandem, even though I didn’t have a second person to ride with me…and it fell apart, pretty much instantly.

2. What’s the dumbest way you’ve ever injured yourself in the shop?
- Jonathan: Probably cutting myself with my own knife while sharpening it. That was pretty dumb.
- Mike: I was on the phone, and flipping through plywood, and managed to flip the entire stack on my body.
- Nick: Definitely using a Japanese pull saw to finish a cut and forgetting there was a blade on the other side.

3. Is there any romantic tension at work? You said “ask anything”.
—Bobby D.
Paula: I don’t think so, but I think there’s something going on between the dog and the FedEx guy. [Points to dog]

4. What’s the farthest away you’ve shipped a sign to?
—Kori A.
Paula: That would be to the Bagram Air Force Base in Afghanistan [points to map].

5. Toilet paper, over or under?
- Mike: Over.
- Jonathan: Over.
- Nick: Over the shoulder!